
Bangladesh Bank raises SME loan ceiling

Agriculture loan interest rate

The Bangladesh central bank has raised the ceiling of loan facilities to small and medium enterprises (SME), micro and cottage type industries to facilitate financing to help boost trade.

Depending on the bank-customer relations, business type and market of the produced goods or services, a business entity can avail more than Tk 10 lakh loan without any collateral, according to a Bangladesh Bank circular issued yesterday.

The circular also directed the concerned bank and financial institutes to facilitate women entrepreneur with up to Tk 25 lakh without any collateral.

The central bank also directed the authorities concerned to make the circular that was issued yesterday to be effective immediately. 


Bangladesh Bank raises SME loan ceiling

Agriculture loan interest rate

The Bangladesh central bank has raised the ceiling of loan facilities to small and medium enterprises (SME), micro and cottage type industries to facilitate financing to help boost trade.

Depending on the bank-customer relations, business type and market of the produced goods or services, a business entity can avail more than Tk 10 lakh loan without any collateral, according to a Bangladesh Bank circular issued yesterday.

The circular also directed the concerned bank and financial institutes to facilitate women entrepreneur with up to Tk 25 lakh without any collateral.

The central bank also directed the authorities concerned to make the circular that was issued yesterday to be effective immediately. 


চাল আমদানি

চালের দামে নতুন রেকর্ড, আমদানিতে অনীহা ব্যবসায়ীদের

চলতি মার্চের প্রথম সপ্তাহ পর্যন্ত ব্যবসায়ীরা অনুমোদিত ১৬ লাখ ৭৫ হাজার টন চালের বিপরীতে আমদানি করেছে দুই লাখ ৬৩ হাজার টন। যা অনুমোদিত পরিমাণের মাত্র ১৭ শতাংশ।

১ ঘণ্টা আগে