Today we are 1

It was during the peak of the coronavirus crisis, amidst the punishing heat of June, that we geared up to launch Daily Star Books on this very day in 2020. To us members of the editorial team—the writers, illustrators, and editors, all devout lovers of the written word—it was catharsis. We channelled the stress of the pandemic into reading, designing, and generating conversations around books that would offer both escape and intellectual stimulation for our readers.
On this first anniversary of Daily Star Books, we bring promises of newer, fresher content beyond the print editions, and ask that you stay with us every day of the week, not just on Thursdays. Find the articles from this schedule that resonate with your interests, and read it all online on The Daily Star's website and on the Daily Star Books pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. We also invite you to share what you think of us, at