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Lightning kills 5

Five people were killed and three others injured by a lightning strike in Atigram-Dhalsha village of Kushtia's Mirpur upazila yesterday.

The dead are Mosharraf Hossain, 55, of Poyari village, Abul Kashem, 43, and Shaheen, 42, of Atigram village, and Abdus Sattar, 40, and Yaar Ali, 12, of Kushabaria village.

Rakibul Islam, officer-in-charge of Mirpur Police Station, said the thunderbolt struck them when they were working in a field around 1:30pm, killing the five on the spot and injuring three others.

The injured were undergoing treatment at Kushtia Medical College Hospital, the OC said. 


Lightning kills 5

Five people were killed and three others injured by a lightning strike in Atigram-Dhalsha village of Kushtia's Mirpur upazila yesterday.

The dead are Mosharraf Hossain, 55, of Poyari village, Abul Kashem, 43, and Shaheen, 42, of Atigram village, and Abdus Sattar, 40, and Yaar Ali, 12, of Kushabaria village.

Rakibul Islam, officer-in-charge of Mirpur Police Station, said the thunderbolt struck them when they were working in a field around 1:30pm, killing the five on the spot and injuring three others.

The injured were undergoing treatment at Kushtia Medical College Hospital, the OC said. 


কারফিউয়ের মধ্যে গণকবরে দাফন

গণঅভ্যুত্থানের সাত মাস হয়ে গেলেও অন্তত ১৯টি পরিবার এখনো তাদের বাবা, ছেলে, ভাই বা স্বামীকে খুঁজে বেড়াচ্ছেন। তাদের মধ্যে ১২ জনই নিখোঁজ হন অভ্যুত্থানের শেষ দুই দিন—৪ ও ৫ আগস্টে।

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