Rayna Salam

The issue of Kashmir hits close to home

Ahmad Shafi* sensed the unrest in Kashmir before it happened. An MBBS student in Bangladesh, he was in class at Dhaka’s Green Life

4y ago

Hong Kong histories: converging narratives of struggle

The ongoing protests in Hong Kong are not just about an extradition bill, civil liberties, or even a constitutional right to democracy—

5y ago

Review of Arundhati Roy’s Things that can and cannot be said

After I finished Things that can and cannot be said, I stood in awe of how much power I held in my hands. In this slim volume were the musings, passing insights, and finally, the long-awaited encounter—albeit censored—of some of the strongest voices against modern-day empire.

5y ago
September 13, 2019
September 13, 2019

The issue of Kashmir hits close to home

Ahmad Shafi* sensed the unrest in Kashmir before it happened. An MBBS student in Bangladesh, he was in class at Dhaka’s Green Life

August 30, 2019
August 30, 2019

Hong Kong histories: converging narratives of struggle

The ongoing protests in Hong Kong are not just about an extradition bill, civil liberties, or even a constitutional right to democracy—

August 23, 2019
August 23, 2019

Review of Arundhati Roy’s Things that can and cannot be said

After I finished Things that can and cannot be said, I stood in awe of how much power I held in my hands. In this slim volume were the musings, passing insights, and finally, the long-awaited encounter—albeit censored—of some of the strongest voices against modern-day empire.

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