Censorship, subtle and overt, concerned with both the sacred and secular, has been a characteristic of every post-independence, civilian and military, government.
Firdous Azim: There has been an uprising in Bangladesh.
Our independent nation-state has survived and grown despite setbacks and interference, but we are yet to escape the forever poison tree of 1947.
A few minutes into Molla Sagar's dark, hallucinatory new film The River Titash, I started noticing the words on screen.
As a Ph.D. candidate at Columbia University with a research focus on Bangladesh history, I paid close attention when media reports came out about a draft bill that would punish any distortion of the history of Muktijuddho.
Censorship, subtle and overt, concerned with both the sacred and secular, has been a characteristic of every post-independence, civilian and military, government.
Firdous Azim: There has been an uprising in Bangladesh.
Our independent nation-state has survived and grown despite setbacks and interference, but we are yet to escape the forever poison tree of 1947.
A few minutes into Molla Sagar's dark, hallucinatory new film The River Titash, I started noticing the words on screen.
As a Ph.D. candidate at Columbia University with a research focus on Bangladesh history, I paid close attention when media reports came out about a draft bill that would punish any distortion of the history of Muktijuddho.