Making a decision as crucial as your academic track, something that will go on to define what you do professionally for the rest of your life, is a bit much to ask of a teenager with a barely developed prefrontal cortex
As you begin to lose yourself in the stream of internet lobotomisation, you will realise that you can’t send a single text anymore without at least three accompanying emojis that make no sense contextually, and you’ll wonder what you've become.
These young entrepreneurs are not only proving the do-ability of running a thriving business alongside studies but also inspiring countless other students to dip their toes into the rewarding world of entrepreneurship.
If you are someone who likes extensive reading, rigorous analysis, and would’ve done all that independent research either way out of a genuine curiosity to learn more about monetary and fiscal policies, expansions and recessions, supply and demand, A level Economics is the perfect match.
Taking Further Maths for all the wrong reasons can not only deprive you of its benefits but make your life a whole lot more difficult.
The memes are great, and they help us cope. But we need to move forward.
As you enjoy studying at a comfortable pace, you’ll naturally want to increase the workload as you get used to the previous one.
The feeling of freedom that comes with not having to sit through classes where time passes at half the speed.
Making a decision as crucial as your academic track, something that will go on to define what you do professionally for the rest of your life, is a bit much to ask of a teenager with a barely developed prefrontal cortex
As you begin to lose yourself in the stream of internet lobotomisation, you will realise that you can’t send a single text anymore without at least three accompanying emojis that make no sense contextually, and you’ll wonder what you've become.
These young entrepreneurs are not only proving the do-ability of running a thriving business alongside studies but also inspiring countless other students to dip their toes into the rewarding world of entrepreneurship.
If you are someone who likes extensive reading, rigorous analysis, and would’ve done all that independent research either way out of a genuine curiosity to learn more about monetary and fiscal policies, expansions and recessions, supply and demand, A level Economics is the perfect match.
Taking Further Maths for all the wrong reasons can not only deprive you of its benefits but make your life a whole lot more difficult.
The memes are great, and they help us cope. But we need to move forward.
As you enjoy studying at a comfortable pace, you’ll naturally want to increase the workload as you get used to the previous one.
The feeling of freedom that comes with not having to sit through classes where time passes at half the speed.
While competitiveness amongst students can encourage more academic diligence, its darker side warrants more discussion.
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off not only does every aspect of its source material justice but elevates it to new heights.