Abdul Warith Khan

Embracing change: Moving on from one phase of life to the next

Life is like one long rollercoaster ride, comprising of ups and downs and twists and turns. Life is simply just a series of phases; some happy, some frustrating, some upsetting. One second life can be full of joy and excitement, and the next can feel like walking on a tightrope with no harness. But what really happens after a phase has passed you by?

1w ago

The corporate clash between millennials and Gen Zers

Gen Zers have sort of re-shaped the workplace or at least are attempting to. Working alongside them are millennials who, safe to say, have been in the workforce for quite several years. This generational mix is proving to be a hotbed for innovation albeit with its numerous challenges.

2w ago

Unveiling the deception of social media

Behind every photo, every video, and every post lies a curated process which is always aimed at portraying an “ideal” version of oneself to the world.

2w ago

Criticism or harassment? How to know the difference

Since most of the communication and interactions happen behind keyboards and screens, its often very easy to blur the lines between constructive criticism and harassment.

1m ago

The thrill of thrift shopping

Thrift shopping — the latest buzzword in fashion — is not just about saving money or scoring a bargain; it’s about the eagerness to find a very lucrative fashion item.

1m ago

Discovering authentic Bangladeshi cuisine with Alec Paterson in London

Alec Paterson is the CEO of Dotlines Food, which is a part of the parent company Dotlines. The company has three startups that are currently active, ranging from curries, teas, and most notable, pickles. As it stands right now, his main aim is to bring the rich and undoubtedly extravagant Bangladeshi cuisine to the competitive food culture of London.

2m ago

Brand yourself boldly: The digital blueprint for personal success

Self-branding has been a part of the marketing ecosphere for a long time now, but with the advent of the digital era, priorities have shifted and a digital presence is of utmost necessity nowadays. With more recruiters and employers turning to online platforms to vet candidates, digital branding has been more than just a buzzword in a conversation.

2m ago

Beyond the screen: The search for genuine friendship in a digital world

Living in this digital era, we are compelled to ask — does the number of friends really mean more than the quality of a friendship?

2m ago
May 9, 2024
May 9, 2024

Embracing change: Moving on from one phase of life to the next

Life is like one long rollercoaster ride, comprising of ups and downs and twists and turns. Life is simply just a series of phases; some happy, some frustrating, some upsetting. One second life can be full of joy and excitement, and the next can feel like walking on a tightrope with no harness. But what really happens after a phase has passed you by?

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

The corporate clash between millennials and Gen Zers

Gen Zers have sort of re-shaped the workplace or at least are attempting to. Working alongside them are millennials who, safe to say, have been in the workforce for quite several years. This generational mix is proving to be a hotbed for innovation albeit with its numerous challenges.

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

Unveiling the deception of social media

Behind every photo, every video, and every post lies a curated process which is always aimed at portraying an “ideal” version of oneself to the world.

March 30, 2024
March 30, 2024

Criticism or harassment? How to know the difference

Since most of the communication and interactions happen behind keyboards and screens, its often very easy to blur the lines between constructive criticism and harassment.

March 28, 2024
March 28, 2024

The thrill of thrift shopping

Thrift shopping — the latest buzzword in fashion — is not just about saving money or scoring a bargain; it’s about the eagerness to find a very lucrative fashion item.

March 17, 2024
March 17, 2024

Discovering authentic Bangladeshi cuisine with Alec Paterson in London

Alec Paterson is the CEO of Dotlines Food, which is a part of the parent company Dotlines. The company has three startups that are currently active, ranging from curries, teas, and most notable, pickles. As it stands right now, his main aim is to bring the rich and undoubtedly extravagant Bangladeshi cuisine to the competitive food culture of London.

March 16, 2024
March 16, 2024

Brand yourself boldly: The digital blueprint for personal success

Self-branding has been a part of the marketing ecosphere for a long time now, but with the advent of the digital era, priorities have shifted and a digital presence is of utmost necessity nowadays. With more recruiters and employers turning to online platforms to vet candidates, digital branding has been more than just a buzzword in a conversation.

March 16, 2024
March 16, 2024

Beyond the screen: The search for genuine friendship in a digital world

Living in this digital era, we are compelled to ask — does the number of friends really mean more than the quality of a friendship?

March 13, 2024
March 13, 2024

5 strategies for work-life balance in the gig economy

Every other person seems to be doing something productive, utilising their spare time to pursue something more than their daily job or learning a new skill, anything to keep the mind busy. But accumulating so many activities in your day-to-day life can cause a burnout quite fast and it might have significant impact on yourself and others around you as well.

September 21, 2023
September 21, 2023

5 budget-friendly places for students to eat in Dhaka

We all know the struggle of student life in Dhaka; tuition and tummy rumbles, trying to stretch every Taka to cover it all. But fear not, for we have compiled a list of the ultimate wallet friendly places to eat in Dhaka for you guys so you can save those hard-earned cash for things that really matter.

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