
Jyoti lands new title role

Popular film actor Jyotika Jyoti

National Film Award winning director Masud Pathik is about to helm a new promising venture titled “Maya.” Popular film actor Jyotika Jyoti has landed the title role, and is preparing for a grueling filming session that is to take place in Bhairab and Narsingdi, among other locations. “Maya” is funded by the government.

Shooting is slated to commence from February 15, but Jyoti won't join the film sets until the 25th of this month. The actor informed The Daily Star that the film revolves around a village girl named Maya, who faces many obstacles to get through life. “I am very happy to portray such a strong and resilient character,” she added, “I love representing strong women on screen.”

Jyotija Jyoti is currently enjoying a lucky streak in her career, and starred in a West Bengal venture for the first time in her life, titled “Rajlokkhi”, directed by Pradip Bhattacharya.


Jyoti lands new title role

Popular film actor Jyotika Jyoti

National Film Award winning director Masud Pathik is about to helm a new promising venture titled “Maya.” Popular film actor Jyotika Jyoti has landed the title role, and is preparing for a grueling filming session that is to take place in Bhairab and Narsingdi, among other locations. “Maya” is funded by the government.

Shooting is slated to commence from February 15, but Jyoti won't join the film sets until the 25th of this month. The actor informed The Daily Star that the film revolves around a village girl named Maya, who faces many obstacles to get through life. “I am very happy to portray such a strong and resilient character,” she added, “I love representing strong women on screen.”

Jyotija Jyoti is currently enjoying a lucky streak in her career, and starred in a West Bengal venture for the first time in her life, titled “Rajlokkhi”, directed by Pradip Bhattacharya.


আওয়ামী লীগ দেশ বেচেও তিস্তার এক ফোঁটা পানি আনতে পারেনি: ফখরুল

আওয়ামী লীগ দেশ বেচেও তিস্তার এক ফোঁটা পানি আনতে পারেনি বলে মন্তব্য করেছেন বিএনপি মহাসচিব মির্জা ফখরুল ইসলাম আলমগীর।

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