Mummified German sea captain left emotional love note to wife

The German adventurer whose mummified body was discovered last weekend, left a final note of love to his wife, it has been revealed.
The mummified body of German sea captain Manfred Fritz Bajorat was found by two fishermen last weekend - just 50 miles from the Philippines.
A final emotional note was discovered alongside Manfred’s body-in which he bid and emotional farewell to wife Claudia.
He wrote: ‘Thirty years we’re been together on the same path. Then the power of the demons was stronger than the will to live. ‘You’re gone. May your soul find its peace. Your Manfred.’
Manfred’s body was discovered seven years after he was last seen - and was discovered alongside the emotional note, reports Yahoo News.
According to Yahoo News, it is believed that he was married to Claudia before he broke their union to go travelling. She died of cancer in 2010.
It isn’t known what caused Manfred’s death - but a heart attack is believed to be one of the likely possibilities.