JK Rowling mourns loss of Orlando shooting victim

JK Rowling is mourning one of the victims of the Orlando shooting after it emerged he worked on a Harry Potter ride at Universal Studios theme park.
Luis Vielma, a 22-year-old ride attendant, was one of the 49 people killed at Pulse club when a man opened fire inside.
Omar Mateen, 29, also wounded 53 at the gay nightclub, before being shot dead by police.
It's the deadliest shooting in modern US history.
She shared other people's memories of Luis on social media.
Luis Vielma worked on the Harry Potter ride at Universal. He was 22 years old. I can't stop crying. #Orlando pic.twitter.com/Nz2ZCWxNsS
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) June 13, 2016
Melissa Gibbo described him as "the guy in the breakroom you liked four seconds after walking in" and someone known only as Paul said Luis had a "kind soul".
Victoria Bidorini, who said she worked with Luis, said he was a "Gryffindor who would make you proud".
"We have a Slytherin who's still in the ICU [Intensive Care Unit]. His name is Tony."
There appear to be no more details on Tony's identity or injuries.
One mother has shared details of text messages her son sent her while he was hiding in the bathroom of the nightclub.
"Mommy I love you", read the first message Mina Justice received from her son Eddie Justice at 02:06 EST (06:06 GMT) on Sunday morning.
"In club they shooting," the next text read.
His name has now appeared on the list of those killed. Eddie was 30 when he died.