India issues dress code for exams

Authorities in India have issued a dress code for candidates who are retaking a medical school exam.
Last month, the Supreme Court ordered more than 600,000 students to retake the exam after they found that the question paper had been leaked.
Candidates have been told to wear light clothes with half-sleeves, and shirts that do not have big buttons.
They cannot wear earrings and carry calculators, pens, handbags and wallets.
Shoes have also been discarded in favour of open slippers.
In India students cheating in exams have been often found concealing Bluetooth devices and mobile SIM cards that have been stitched to their shirts.
Over the past few years, a number of candidates have also been caught using small earphones, stitched button-hole cameras and micro earplugs.
Also, pens that can scan question papers and transmit the images outside using small Bluetooth devices are also being used.
Some of the devices are used to transmit questions outside the examination hall to professionals who then relay back the answers.
The dress code is aimed at eliminating some of the more obvious hiding places for such gadgets.
The latest guidelines following national outrage over a massive medical school admissions examination scandal involving thousands of arrests and many mysterious deaths.