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[WATCH NOW] SQ Chy: The master of genocide

Salauddin Quader Chowdhury, 66, known for ruthless massacre of unarmed civilians, torturing freedom fighters and pro-liberation forces in 1971 is finally close to gallows.
A BNP leader and former law maker, SQ Chowdhury was arrested on December 16, 2010 in Dhaka over an arson case. He was shown arrested on December 19, 2010 following an arrest warrant by a war crimes tribunal.

Also WATCH: SQ Chy’s controversial statements

He was indicted of 23 charges of war crimes on November 14, 2011. The charges include multiple counts of genocide, killing Hindus, and murder of civilians during Liberation War in 1971.
The only argument SQ Chy placed was that he was not in Bangladesh in 1971.
International Crimes Tribunal-1 found him guilty of nine charges on October 1, 2013.

The war criminal was awarded death sentence as four charges against him were proved, got 20 years in prison for three charges, five years in prison for two charges.
SQ Chy appealed against the ICT-1 verdict on October 29, 2013.

Appellate Division upheld his death sentence on July 29, 2015, verdict mostly unchanged, except acquittal in one charge that originally gave him 20 years in prison.
The apex court affirmed death for the two top war criminals yesterday; contradictory opinions emerged regarding whether the government can go ahead with execution of the death penalty without the court’s order.
Attorney General Mahbubey Alam had said the jail authorities would not have to wait for the order since there is no stay order on the execution of either of the war criminals.



[WATCH NOW] SQ Chy: The master of genocide

Salauddin Quader Chowdhury, 66, known for ruthless massacre of unarmed civilians, torturing freedom fighters and pro-liberation forces in 1971 is finally close to gallows.
A BNP leader and former law maker, SQ Chowdhury was arrested on December 16, 2010 in Dhaka over an arson case. He was shown arrested on December 19, 2010 following an arrest warrant by a war crimes tribunal.

Also WATCH: SQ Chy’s controversial statements

He was indicted of 23 charges of war crimes on November 14, 2011. The charges include multiple counts of genocide, killing Hindus, and murder of civilians during Liberation War in 1971.
The only argument SQ Chy placed was that he was not in Bangladesh in 1971.
International Crimes Tribunal-1 found him guilty of nine charges on October 1, 2013.

The war criminal was awarded death sentence as four charges against him were proved, got 20 years in prison for three charges, five years in prison for two charges.
SQ Chy appealed against the ICT-1 verdict on October 29, 2013.

Appellate Division upheld his death sentence on July 29, 2015, verdict mostly unchanged, except acquittal in one charge that originally gave him 20 years in prison.
The apex court affirmed death for the two top war criminals yesterday; contradictory opinions emerged regarding whether the government can go ahead with execution of the death penalty without the court’s order.
Attorney General Mahbubey Alam had said the jail authorities would not have to wait for the order since there is no stay order on the execution of either of the war criminals.



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