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World cracks up as kids crash father’s live BBC interview

Working from home can be hard and with so many distractions it really is difficult to stay put.

And the perils of working from home were caught on Live TV as Robert E Kelly, an academic based at a South Korean university was trying to shed light on the South Korean president’s impeachment. But his children had something altogether different in mind.

As he talked about the globally important issue, his toddler barged into the room, knocked down a few books.

​Then came in another little one in a bouncer- knocking down a few things and finally forcing dad, Kelly, to break into a smile, reports international media outlets Guardian and Independent among others.

And finally, on cue, a panicked woman walks into the room ninja style, looked towards the camera with alarm and set about extracting both children from the office.

The video, originally intended to be a serious interview about a blooming world issue, ended up making thousands of people laugh on social media.​


World cracks up as kids crash father’s live BBC interview

Working from home can be hard and with so many distractions it really is difficult to stay put.

And the perils of working from home were caught on Live TV as Robert E Kelly, an academic based at a South Korean university was trying to shed light on the South Korean president’s impeachment. But his children had something altogether different in mind.

As he talked about the globally important issue, his toddler barged into the room, knocked down a few books.

​Then came in another little one in a bouncer- knocking down a few things and finally forcing dad, Kelly, to break into a smile, reports international media outlets Guardian and Independent among others.

And finally, on cue, a panicked woman walks into the room ninja style, looked towards the camera with alarm and set about extracting both children from the office.

The video, originally intended to be a serious interview about a blooming world issue, ended up making thousands of people laugh on social media.​


৪ দফা দাবিতে ম্যাটস শিক্ষার্থীদের অবস্থান কর্মসূচি, না মানলে আমরণ অনশন

‘যে পুলিশগুলো আমাদের ওপর অতর্কিত হামলা চালিয়েছে, তারাই ফ্যাসিস্ট হাসিনার সময়ে বৈষম্যবিরোধী শিক্ষার্থীদের ওপর হামলা ও গুলি চালিয়েছিল।’

৪ ঘণ্টা আগে