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Modi flood photo memes drown Twitter

India's state-run Press Information Bureau is facing online mockery after tweeting an edited image of PM Narendra Modi surveying deadly Chennai floods.

The bureau initially retweeted the prime minister's photo of himself looking through a plane window, with submerged fields and buildings visible.

Hours later, they tweeted the same image again, but with a much clearer scene crudely pasted on to the window.

The second tweet was deleted but not in time to prevent social media ridicule.

The prime minister tweeted the original photo of himself looking out over the floods. Photo taken from BBC

The PIB has made no public comment yet.

Modi flew to Chennai (Madras) in Tamil Nadu state on Thursday to see the damage caused by the widespread flooding, which has left more than 260 people dead since last month.

A large-scale rescue operation is under way, amid neck-high water in some areas.

PIB's amended image showed a far sharper image crudely pasted onto the plane's window. The original image of the flooded city is all that is available on their Twitter feed now.Photo: BBC

While some saw the deleted tweet as light relief, others criticised it as inappropriate amid the tragedy. Others also shared their own edited Modi pictures.


Modi flood photo memes drown Twitter

India's state-run Press Information Bureau is facing online mockery after tweeting an edited image of PM Narendra Modi surveying deadly Chennai floods.

The bureau initially retweeted the prime minister's photo of himself looking through a plane window, with submerged fields and buildings visible.

Hours later, they tweeted the same image again, but with a much clearer scene crudely pasted on to the window.

The second tweet was deleted but not in time to prevent social media ridicule.

The prime minister tweeted the original photo of himself looking out over the floods. Photo taken from BBC

The PIB has made no public comment yet.

Modi flew to Chennai (Madras) in Tamil Nadu state on Thursday to see the damage caused by the widespread flooding, which has left more than 260 people dead since last month.

A large-scale rescue operation is under way, amid neck-high water in some areas.

PIB's amended image showed a far sharper image crudely pasted onto the plane's window. The original image of the flooded city is all that is available on their Twitter feed now.Photo: BBC

While some saw the deleted tweet as light relief, others criticised it as inappropriate amid the tragedy. Others also shared their own edited Modi pictures.


নারীর প্রতি সহিংসতার প্রতিবাদে শাহবাগে ৩০ কলেজ শিক্ষার্থীদের অবস্থান

শিক্ষার্থীরা জানান, রমজানে জনগণের ভোগান্তির কথা চিন্তা করে তারা পূর্বঘোষিত ‘শাহবাগ ব্লকেড কর্মসূচি’ থেকে সরে এসেছেন। এর পরিবর্তে তারা আজ জাতীয় জাদুঘরের সামনের রাস্তায় সন্ধ্যা পর্যন্ত অবস্থান করবেন। 

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