The Art of Selfie

Okay, I admit it is just the other day I learnt the term "Selfie".But before I learnt the term, many Selfies were clicked.
I did not realize that taking selfies was a serious business. By and by I learnt about the rules. Some I have applied and some not.
Rule number 1.
When you are taking your own picture on your cell phone there is a tendency to look seriously at the screen. And in the selfie one does not want to look like a serious person, even if it is a serious business. Once a cousin of mine commented "Apa you can smile you don't have to be so serious!!”
Rule number 2.
So when you take the Selfie, turn and give your side face look to the camera ---- chose the better side, the side that shows less wrinkles and less blemishes, chin up, smile and then click!!
Rule number 3.
This I have not tried. In a Selfie (most of the time) you pout as if you are about to smooch. I asked a young friend what was the reason behind this. I thought young people liked pouty lips. The reason whybotox is so popular? No, my guess was wrong. Lips are pouted to draw in the cheeks. This makes your face looks thin and high cheek bones may also be achieved. Wow, there are so many sides to a story!! And to my wonder recently a lip gel advertisement has recommended to pout the (lip gel added)lips. Maybe it is the botox factor, after all.
See I am confused. Selfies are a "young thing". Most of my selfies are with my daughter. There is a bit of narcissism in it. Young people are good looking just by the dint of their age. So they love to take their photo in every hue, color, pose and posture
I felt self conscious --- for me taking Selfies was naivity. A little ashamed to admit it, but my Selfies which I have taken of myself and then deleted were done with the objective to test how to look my best in a Selfie. And this is my take on it. You hold up the phone high. Then you could decide if you want a side face, chin up and pouty lips. But the main thing is to hold the phone up with outstretched arms.
And also my critical self analysis --- the fear of being seen as a narcissist was allayed when I saw a selfie of none other than Meryl Streep with Hillary Clinton. Wow!! I felt relieved.
So what are role models for?
Yes Meryl Streep is my role model
Three cheers for Selfies!
Three cheers for Meryl Streep!! Actor
The writer is Actor, Director & Activist