This is the first-ever sex offender public registry in Bangladesh

A sex offender public registry has been launched in Bangladesh for the first time through the digital platform The initiative aims to increase awareness of sexual crimes and provide access to offender records. The platform allows individuals to report incidents of sexual offenses, offering an avenue for victims and witnesses to come forward while maintaining anonymity if preferred.
A sex offender public registry is a database that records information about individuals convicted of sexual crimes. Such registries are used in several countries to track offenders, inform the public, and assist law enforcement in preventing repeat offenses. In some jurisdictions, registries are publicly accessible, while others restrict access to law enforcement agencies.
Globally, the concept of a sex offender registry is well-established. The United States was the first country to implement a public registry in the 1990s through Megan's Law, requiring authorities to make offender information available to the public. Similar systems have been adopted in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and India, among others. Some countries, such as Japan and Germany, maintain registries that are accessible only to law enforcement rather than the general public.
At, users can create an account using their phone number or email and submit reports detailing incidents, locations, and available evidence. Submitted information is stored in a secure database, with all reports undergoing an initial review by a moderation team, claims the platform's website. If necessary, the platform claims to collaborate with local organisations and law enforcement agencies to verify the information before publishing details on the registry. Verified offender records may be made publicly accessible where legally permissible, says the website, and the site also provides statistical data and maps to highlight crime trends.
However, concerns have been raised regarding potential misuse of the platform, including the risk of false accusations and privacy issues. Ensuring the accuracy of reports and maintaining legal safeguards will be critical to the credibility of the registry. Questions remain about how law enforcement and the judicial system will incorporate the platform into official legal proceedings.