Roundtable discussion held on the care economy of Bangladesh

AYAT Education, a social enterprise, recently organised a roundtable discussion on 'Building a strategic roadmap for care economy in Bangladesh'. The event discussed strategies for nurturing a caring economy that empowers both paid and unpaid care workers in Bangladesh.
The discussion focused on the specific challenges faced by women in Bangladesh, where limited access to infrastructure and public services amplifies the weight of care work. Traditional gender norms further contribute to this issue, with girls often prioritising care work over education and economic opportunities.
Representatives from the British High Commission Dhaka, Australian High Commission, CARE Bangladesh, Swisscontact, ActionAid Bangladesh, Manusher Jonno Foundation, the Asia Foundation, Pathfinder International, mPower Social., AYAT Care, Bolipara Nari Kalyan Somity (BNKS), and Southeast University discussed strategies for promoting investment and policy reforms in the care economy..