More than 35 lakh SIM users left Dhaka for Eid on July 8

Posts and Telecommunications Minister Mustafa Jabbar recently announced that more than 35 lakh SIM-card holders left the capital city of Dhaka on Friday, July 8, to celebrate the holy occasion of Eid-Ul-Azha through a Facebook post.
According to the Posts and Telecommunications Minister, a total of 35,30,732 registered SIM-card users left Dhaka for various parts of the country, out of which 15,83,332 SIM-card holders are from Grameenphone, 9,75,613 subscribers from Robi, 8,49,460 users from Banglalink and 1,22,327 users from Teletalk.
However, it is difficult to confirm the total number of people who left Dhaka from these figures as this information is based on the number of users having mobile SIMs who left only on Friday, July 8.
Moreover, a single person can use more than one SIM. Additionally, SIM cards are not issued in the names of children, and they are also travelling along with their family members outside the capital during Eid.