Ibrahim sets world record by connecting 444 consoles to a single TV

Ibrahim Al-Nasser, a Saudi Arabian video game collector, has set a Guinness World Record by connecting 444 unique gaming consoles to a single television. This achievement, which spans the entire history of video gaming from the Magnavox Odyssey of 1972 to the latest PlayStation 5 released in 2023, showcases not only Ibrahim's passion for gaming but also his attention to detail in maintaining a clean and organised setup.
Ibrahim has managed to keep his collection perfectly organised, with not a single cable visible, creating a setup that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The entire collection, housed in a single room, includes not only the consoles but also the necessary controllers, arcade cabinets, pinball machines, and, of course, the video games themselves.
To make this possible, Ibrahim used a complex system of switchers and converters, allowing him to easily switch between consoles without the need to unplug anything. His setup is so well-organised that every console, either PS2 or Nintendo 64 or the Atari 2600, can be accessed virtually through a spreadsheet. When Ibrahim decides to play a particular console, he simply checks the spreadsheet for the corresponding switcher, presses the power button, and begins gaming.
Among his extensive collection, Ibrahim's favourite console remains the Sega Genesis, which he describes as the best of all time.