Tech & Startup

How to save your smartphone from hackers

smartphone safety, smartphone hacking-free, smartphone security,

We use smartphones every day, starting from taking pictures to conducting banking transactions. Besides, we engage in personal conversations on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and other messaging apps. Moreover, many of us handle urgent office emails through our smartphones.

As a result, smartphones have become an indispensable companion in our daily lives. Therefore, it is important to prioritise its security. Let's learn how to protect your smartphone from hacking.

Be careful with app permissions

You know those cool apps you find in the Play Store? When you install them, they might ask for special permissions. But don't give them all blindly. Some permissions let apps get into your personal stuff. So always check what permissions an app needs before you say yes.

Avoid unverified downloads 

There are many apps that aren't on the Play Store, but you have to be careful. Apps from strange websites could be bad news. They might have hidden viruses or tricks to steal your information. iPhones are safer because they don't let you download these outside apps. But if you're on an Android, be careful and stick to the Play Store.

Watch out for public Wi-Fi

When you're out and about, you might look for free Wi-Fi. However, some public Wi-Fi spots can be unsafe. Hackers could sneak into your phone and take your personal stuff. So, be extra careful when using public Wi-Fi and avoid doing sensitive things like banking on it.

Bluetooth can be sneaky

You use Bluetooth for music and file sharing, but after you're done, make sure to turn it off. If you leave it on all the time, hackers might see your phone and try to get in. Go to Bluetooth settings and make your device invisible when you're not using it. Safety first.

Get an antivirus app

An antivirus app protects your phone from viruses and hackers. Just be smart and get an antivirus app from the Play Store with good ratings and reviews. Some apps might pretend to be antivirus but actually be bad themselves, so choose wisely.

By following these tips, you'll be a phone security pro and keep your personal information safe from sneaky hackers and viruses!


How to save your smartphone from hackers

smartphone safety, smartphone hacking-free, smartphone security,

We use smartphones every day, starting from taking pictures to conducting banking transactions. Besides, we engage in personal conversations on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and other messaging apps. Moreover, many of us handle urgent office emails through our smartphones.

As a result, smartphones have become an indispensable companion in our daily lives. Therefore, it is important to prioritise its security. Let's learn how to protect your smartphone from hacking.

Be careful with app permissions

You know those cool apps you find in the Play Store? When you install them, they might ask for special permissions. But don't give them all blindly. Some permissions let apps get into your personal stuff. So always check what permissions an app needs before you say yes.

Avoid unverified downloads 

There are many apps that aren't on the Play Store, but you have to be careful. Apps from strange websites could be bad news. They might have hidden viruses or tricks to steal your information. iPhones are safer because they don't let you download these outside apps. But if you're on an Android, be careful and stick to the Play Store.

Watch out for public Wi-Fi

When you're out and about, you might look for free Wi-Fi. However, some public Wi-Fi spots can be unsafe. Hackers could sneak into your phone and take your personal stuff. So, be extra careful when using public Wi-Fi and avoid doing sensitive things like banking on it.

Bluetooth can be sneaky

You use Bluetooth for music and file sharing, but after you're done, make sure to turn it off. If you leave it on all the time, hackers might see your phone and try to get in. Go to Bluetooth settings and make your device invisible when you're not using it. Safety first.

Get an antivirus app

An antivirus app protects your phone from viruses and hackers. Just be smart and get an antivirus app from the Play Store with good ratings and reviews. Some apps might pretend to be antivirus but actually be bad themselves, so choose wisely.

By following these tips, you'll be a phone security pro and keep your personal information safe from sneaky hackers and viruses!


প্রধান উপদেষ্টা ড. ইউনূস। ছবি: বাসস

বছরটি খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ, যুদ্ধ-পরিস্থিতির মতো সতর্ক থাকতে হবে: প্রধান উপদেষ্টা

রমজান মাসে খাদ্য ও নিত্যপ্রয়োজনীয় পণ্যের দাম স্থিতিশীল রাখতে চাঁদাবাজদের বিরুদ্ধে কঠোর ব্যবস্থা নেওয়ার নির্দেশ দিয়েছেন অধ্যাপক ইউনূস।

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