Tech & Startup

Apple Watch band to change colours soon

Apple Watch band to change colours soon
The colour of the Apple Watch band can be adjusted soon.

Apple has recently received a patent for an app-controlled, colour-changing Apple Watch band.

According to the patent, the band 'includes electrochromic features that provide adjustable colour control based on an applied voltage to offer a variety of colours and colour combinations to be displayed by a single band.'

The colour of the Apple Watch band can soon be adjusted depending on the style of clothing that the user is wearing.

The band, composed of electrochromic filament fabric, will change colours when a switch is pressed.



Apple Watch band to change colours soon

Apple Watch band to change colours soon
The colour of the Apple Watch band can be adjusted soon.

Apple has recently received a patent for an app-controlled, colour-changing Apple Watch band.

According to the patent, the band 'includes electrochromic features that provide adjustable colour control based on an applied voltage to offer a variety of colours and colour combinations to be displayed by a single band.'

The colour of the Apple Watch band can soon be adjusted depending on the style of clothing that the user is wearing.

The band, composed of electrochromic filament fabric, will change colours when a switch is pressed.



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মানবাধিকার সংস্থাগুলো জানিয়েছে, বিদ্যুৎ সরবরাহ বন্ধ হলে গাজায় খাবার পানি সরবরাহ অনেক কমে আসবে।

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