
Checking Violence Against Women: Govt app sees only six rescue pleas in about six years

The government’s “Joy” app, developed with a budget of Tk 45 lakh to tackle violence against women and children during emergencies, received only six rescue requests in five years and nine months.

Don’t let Dhaka turn into a battlefield

Let good sense—and constitutional obligations—prevail

Bangladesh 22nd among conflict-ridden countries

Bangladesh ranks 22nd among the world’s 50 most conflict-ridden countries, according to an index by a US nonprofit.

Into the intersection of identity & violence

It is worth considering that, according to historian Yuval Noah Harari, we may not be able to fully evade violence, as our evolutionary past has instilled certain inclinations within us that could be linked to violence.

Essay / Old sins cast long shadows: A vivisection of communal harmony as Puja ends

We can’t just wish things away, we can’t disown parts of our culture and country because they don’t fit our particular ideal. That is a cop-out, an easy way out, that is claiming we are pristine, and the dirt lives elsewhere, claiming we are saints and that is not our sin. 

Lawmakers Blinded by Power

Who gave them the license to brutalise their constituents?

“Response to insulting Prophet": Islamic State claims attack on Kabul Sikh temple

An attack claimed by Islamic State on a Sikh temple in the Afghan capital Kabul on Saturday killed at least two people and injured seven, officials said, another deadly incident in a spate of violence targeting minorities and places of worship.

Himmati Mai: Symbolic protest in response to widespread atrocities against women

Saturday afternoon witnessed a unique performance art at the city’s Shilpakala Academy Grounds, where 70 women across all generations and professions took to the streets for an hour to protest against the escalating abuse against women all over the world including Bangladesh.

Bachao: App to prevent sexual assault and rape

The Bachao App was created to help prevent rape, a crime that remains to be constantly on the rise. The Bachao app is an excellent initiative to fulfil this purpose. We should all contribute by registering as volunteer so that if the time comes, we can save someone from something horrible.

May 20, 2024
May 20, 2024

Checking Violence Against Women: Govt app sees only six rescue pleas in about six years

The government’s “Joy” app, developed with a budget of Tk 45 lakh to tackle violence against women and children during emergencies, received only six rescue requests in five years and nine months.

October 27, 2023
October 27, 2023

Don’t let Dhaka turn into a battlefield

Let good sense—and constitutional obligations—prevail

September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023

Bangladesh 22nd among conflict-ridden countries

Bangladesh ranks 22nd among the world’s 50 most conflict-ridden countries, according to an index by a US nonprofit.

June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023

Into the intersection of identity & violence

It is worth considering that, according to historian Yuval Noah Harari, we may not be able to fully evade violence, as our evolutionary past has instilled certain inclinations within us that could be linked to violence.

October 8, 2022
October 8, 2022

Old sins cast long shadows: A vivisection of communal harmony as Puja ends

We can’t just wish things away, we can’t disown parts of our culture and country because they don’t fit our particular ideal. That is a cop-out, an easy way out, that is claiming we are pristine, and the dirt lives elsewhere, claiming we are saints and that is not our sin. 

July 18, 2022
July 18, 2022

Lawmakers Blinded by Power

Who gave them the license to brutalise their constituents?

June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022

“Response to insulting Prophet": Islamic State claims attack on Kabul Sikh temple

An attack claimed by Islamic State on a Sikh temple in the Afghan capital Kabul on Saturday killed at least two people and injured seven, officials said, another deadly incident in a spate of violence targeting minorities and places of worship.

May 29, 2022
May 29, 2022

Himmati Mai: Symbolic protest in response to widespread atrocities against women

Saturday afternoon witnessed a unique performance art at the city’s Shilpakala Academy Grounds, where 70 women across all generations and professions took to the streets for an hour to protest against the escalating abuse against women all over the world including Bangladesh.

November 21, 2021
November 21, 2021

Bachao: App to prevent sexual assault and rape

The Bachao App was created to help prevent rape, a crime that remains to be constantly on the rise. The Bachao app is an excellent initiative to fulfil this purpose. We should all contribute by registering as volunteer so that if the time comes, we can save someone from something horrible.

May 12, 2018
May 12, 2018

PM warns students against violence

Asking students to refrain from resorting to vandalism in educational institutions, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said the government would no longer tolerate such activities.

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