US-North Korea nuclear unrest

US and North Korea trade warnings on nuclear strikes

The United States says that North Korea may be only months away from being able to strike the US mainland with a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile, while Pyongyang says Washington is considering a pre-emptive strike against it.

US warplanes fly off North Korea coast in new show of force

US bombers and fighter escorts fly off the coast of North Korea in a show of force against its nuclear weapons program, escalating already sky-high tensions.

February 6, 2018
February 6, 2018

US and North Korea trade warnings on nuclear strikes

The United States says that North Korea may be only months away from being able to strike the US mainland with a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile, while Pyongyang says Washington is considering a pre-emptive strike against it.

September 24, 2017
September 24, 2017

US warplanes fly off North Korea coast in new show of force

US bombers and fighter escorts fly off the coast of North Korea in a show of force against its nuclear weapons program, escalating already sky-high tensions.