US National Security Advisor HR McMaster

Trump picks Bolton to replace McMaster as national security adviser

US President Donald Trump shakes up his foreign policy team again, replacing HR McMaster as national security adviser with John Bolton, a hawk who has advocated using military force against North Korea and Iran.

Trump to oust national security advisor HR McMaster: Report

US President Donald Trump decides to sack National Security Advisor HR McMaster, in what would be the latest in a string of high-profile White House departures, The Washington Post reports.

March 23, 2018
March 23, 2018

Trump picks Bolton to replace McMaster as national security adviser

US President Donald Trump shakes up his foreign policy team again, replacing HR McMaster as national security adviser with John Bolton, a hawk who has advocated using military force against North Korea and Iran.

March 16, 2018
March 16, 2018

Trump to oust national security advisor HR McMaster: Report

US President Donald Trump decides to sack National Security Advisor HR McMaster, in what would be the latest in a string of high-profile White House departures, The Washington Post reports.