The long-anticipated continuation of the beloved story of “Moana” (2016) is finally over. The sequel, “Moana 2,” made its grand debut on November 27 in theatres across the United States. However, the highly anticipated film debuts today across Star Cineplex locations in Bangladesh, as confirmed by a press release from the renowned multiplex chain.
The new policy and Biden's pledge to speed up military aid to Ukraine come as the United States prepares for Trump to take over as president in January, having questioned US assistance throughout the war.
The celebrated vocalist Fahmida Nabi shared the stage with popular music director and singer Muza in a concert yesterday (November 9), in San Jose, California, USA. Fahmida had already arrived in the United States, while sources revealed that Muza flew in from London to participate.
The much-anticipated Election Day 2024 has arrived, with Americans from all walks of life, including well-known celebrities, casting their votes. This year’s decision is pivotal, as the nation chooses between Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Donald Trump, and a few notable third-party contenders, all vying to become the 47th President of the United States.
The ongoing feud between David Gilmour and Roger Waters, two prominent members of the famous British rock band Pink Floyd, dates back to many years.
Justin Timberlake has negotiated an agreement to resolve his drunk-driving case in the United States.
The iconic rock-metal band Warfaze has triumphantly marked 40 years in the music industry as of June 5 this year. To commemorate this remarkable journey, the band is determined to keep their legacy alive. With a focus on both domestic and international concerts, they are also planning to release new albums and souvenirs. In honour of their four-decade milestone, the band is gearing up for an array of lively celebrations. The festivities will kick off with a highly anticipated tour across the United States, set to begin this September.
The monsoon season usually marks a lull in concert activities, however, musicians and bands from the country are keeping busy with performances overseas. Many music artistes are taking the stage in various countries around the globe, including Europe and the United States.
Since its release in Bangladesh, the Shakib Khan starrer film “Toofan” is now creating quite a stir in West Bengal. The excitement was palpable at Thursday night's press conference, where it became evident that the people of West Bengal are keenly interested in the blockbuster.
The long-anticipated continuation of the beloved story of “Moana” (2016) is finally over. The sequel, “Moana 2,” made its grand debut on November 27 in theatres across the United States. However, the highly anticipated film debuts today across Star Cineplex locations in Bangladesh, as confirmed by a press release from the renowned multiplex chain.
The new policy and Biden's pledge to speed up military aid to Ukraine come as the United States prepares for Trump to take over as president in January, having questioned US assistance throughout the war.
The celebrated vocalist Fahmida Nabi shared the stage with popular music director and singer Muza in a concert yesterday (November 9), in San Jose, California, USA. Fahmida had already arrived in the United States, while sources revealed that Muza flew in from London to participate.
The much-anticipated Election Day 2024 has arrived, with Americans from all walks of life, including well-known celebrities, casting their votes. This year’s decision is pivotal, as the nation chooses between Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Donald Trump, and a few notable third-party contenders, all vying to become the 47th President of the United States.
The ongoing feud between David Gilmour and Roger Waters, two prominent members of the famous British rock band Pink Floyd, dates back to many years.
Justin Timberlake has negotiated an agreement to resolve his drunk-driving case in the United States.
The iconic rock-metal band Warfaze has triumphantly marked 40 years in the music industry as of June 5 this year. To commemorate this remarkable journey, the band is determined to keep their legacy alive. With a focus on both domestic and international concerts, they are also planning to release new albums and souvenirs. In honour of their four-decade milestone, the band is gearing up for an array of lively celebrations. The festivities will kick off with a highly anticipated tour across the United States, set to begin this September.
The monsoon season usually marks a lull in concert activities, however, musicians and bands from the country are keeping busy with performances overseas. Many music artistes are taking the stage in various countries around the globe, including Europe and the United States.
Since its release in Bangladesh, the Shakib Khan starrer film “Toofan” is now creating quite a stir in West Bengal. The excitement was palpable at Thursday night's press conference, where it became evident that the people of West Bengal are keenly interested in the blockbuster.
In celebration of Eid, Star Cineplex is set to release three new films simultaneously on June 14. The lineup features the highly anticipated "Bad Boys: Ride or Die", the newest entry in the popular “Bad Boys” franchise, which premiered in the United States on June 7.