Trump's pledge to build border wall

In Oval Office speech, Trump demands a wall but does not declare emergency

US President Trump urges Congress to give him $5.7 billion this year to help build a wall on the border with Mexico, but stops short of declaring a national emergency that could have led to unilaterally funding the project.

With no deal, US government shutdown likely to drag on past Christmas

A partial US government shutdown is almost certain to drag through the Christmas holiday after the Senate adjourned without breaking an impasse over President Donald Trump’s demand for more funds for a border wall.

January 9, 2019
January 9, 2019

In Oval Office speech, Trump demands a wall but does not declare emergency

US President Trump urges Congress to give him $5.7 billion this year to help build a wall on the border with Mexico, but stops short of declaring a national emergency that could have led to unilaterally funding the project.

December 23, 2018
December 23, 2018

With no deal, US government shutdown likely to drag on past Christmas

A partial US government shutdown is almost certain to drag through the Christmas holiday after the Senate adjourned without breaking an impasse over President Donald Trump’s demand for more funds for a border wall.