Trump on Twitter

Trump accuses Facebook, Twitter, Google of Democrat bias

US President Donald Trump accuses tech giants Facebook, Twitter and Google of being biased in favor of opposition Democrats, a day after a report for the Senate revealed Russian agents had used social media in an attempt to sway the 2016 election in Trump's favor.

Trump unblocks more Twitter users after US court ruling

US President Donald Trump unblocked some additional Twitter users after a federal judge in May said preventing people from following him violated individuals constitutional rights.

December 18, 2018
December 18, 2018

Trump accuses Facebook, Twitter, Google of Democrat bias

US President Donald Trump accuses tech giants Facebook, Twitter and Google of being biased in favor of opposition Democrats, a day after a report for the Senate revealed Russian agents had used social media in an attempt to sway the 2016 election in Trump's favor.

August 29, 2018
August 29, 2018

Trump unblocks more Twitter users after US court ruling

US President Donald Trump unblocked some additional Twitter users after a federal judge in May said preventing people from following him violated individuals constitutional rights.