Toolywood film

Mithila’s hat-trick in Tollywood with ‘Aranyer Prachin Probad’ releases today

When asked about her experience working on both sides of the border, she shared her perspective on the differences between the industries, “The major difference I have noticed is the way of storytelling. Bangladesh’s stories are more original and strong — we have a centuries-old history that we can explore. On the other hand, their industry is older and professional and they have expertise in the technical sectors. However, our OTT industry is quite organised and professional too. Both industries have their respective sets of expertise.”

July 5, 2024
July 5, 2024

Mithila’s hat-trick in Tollywood with ‘Aranyer Prachin Probad’ releases today

When asked about her experience working on both sides of the border, she shared her perspective on the differences between the industries, “The major difference I have noticed is the way of storytelling. Bangladesh’s stories are more original and strong — we have a centuries-old history that we can explore. On the other hand, their industry is older and professional and they have expertise in the technical sectors. However, our OTT industry is quite organised and professional too. Both industries have their respective sets of expertise.”

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