Tama Mirza sues Misty Zannat

Tama Mirza vs Misty Zannat: Legal clash resolved by artistes’ association

BFAA President Misha Sawdagar mediated a resolution between the two artistes at the association’s office, which led to both actresses agreeing to settle their differences amicably.

Tama Mirza sues Misty Zannat over derogatory statements, demands Tk 10 crore

The videos, titled "Misty Zannat Takes a Jab at Tama Mirza" and "Tama Mirza Became an Actress by Sucking Up: Zannat," are claimed to have damaged Tama Mirza's reputation amongst journalists and the public.

May 29, 2024
May 29, 2024

Tama Mirza vs Misty Zannat: Legal clash resolved by artistes’ association

BFAA President Misha Sawdagar mediated a resolution between the two artistes at the association’s office, which led to both actresses agreeing to settle their differences amicably.

May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024

Tama Mirza sues Misty Zannat over derogatory statements, demands Tk 10 crore

The videos, titled "Misty Zannat Takes a Jab at Tama Mirza" and "Tama Mirza Became an Actress by Sucking Up: Zannat," are claimed to have damaged Tama Mirza's reputation amongst journalists and the public.

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