Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital

Suhrawardy Hospital resumes operation after fire

The Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital starts operations hours after a fire broke out in the hospital.

Fire at Suhrawardy Hospital: All 1,200 patients evacuated

Around 1,200 patients, including those at the intensive care unit (ICU) and the surgery ward, had to be evacuated from the capital's Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital following a fire yesterday.

That lifeless girl at the veranda of Dhaka medical

A girl lies all alone at the veranda of Dhaka medical – her face unrecognisable under the swellings and bruises she bears. Unconscious, few drops of tears drip past her closed eyes from time to time. And she will lay there, until someone comes in aid.

February 15, 2019
February 15, 2019

Suhrawardy Hospital resumes operation after fire

The Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital starts operations hours after a fire broke out in the hospital.

February 15, 2019
February 15, 2019

Fire at Suhrawardy Hospital: All 1,200 patients evacuated

Around 1,200 patients, including those at the intensive care unit (ICU) and the surgery ward, had to be evacuated from the capital's Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital following a fire yesterday.

July 9, 2017
July 9, 2017

That lifeless girl at the veranda of Dhaka medical

A girl lies all alone at the veranda of Dhaka medical – her face unrecognisable under the swellings and bruises she bears. Unconscious, few drops of tears drip past her closed eyes from time to time. And she will lay there, until someone comes in aid.