
Understanding religious scriptures and finding spirituality

In Muslim households, children are taught to read the Quran from start to finish. But that’s the thing, they are taught to read, not understand it

Essay / Moezzi’s ‘The Rumi Prescription’ and Rumi’s relevance in this manic world

Rumi's spiritual and motivational verses not only empower us to confront life's frustrations and anxieties but also illuminate the path to genuine emotional fulfilment and inner peace.

Canada named world's most 'spiritual' country

A new ranking names Canada the most spiritual country in the world.

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

Understanding religious scriptures and finding spirituality

In Muslim households, children are taught to read the Quran from start to finish. But that’s the thing, they are taught to read, not understand it

September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023

Moezzi’s ‘The Rumi Prescription’ and Rumi’s relevance in this manic world

Rumi's spiritual and motivational verses not only empower us to confront life's frustrations and anxieties but also illuminate the path to genuine emotional fulfilment and inner peace.

September 14, 2018
September 14, 2018

Canada named world's most 'spiritual' country

A new ranking names Canada the most spiritual country in the world.

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