Centred on a Dhaka-based married couple– filmmaker Farhan, portrayed by Farooki himself, and actor Tithi, played by Tisha– the narrative explores their journey amidst societal pressure to start a family. As Tithi's pregnancy progresses, an unexpected incident sheds light on contemporary Bangladeshi society's realities.
It was the first day of the 22nd rendition of "Amar Bhashar Cholochitro 1430", organised by the Dhaka University Film Society (DUFS). Following tradition, the programme venue—TSC at Dhaka University premises—gracefully adorned its annual cinematic ambience with vibrant posters of Bengali classics placed across its expanse. Featuring 20 Bengali-language films from the East and the West, this year's event would run from February 12 to February 16.
In the dynamic landscape of Bengali entertainment, 2023 has proven to be a year of cinematic brilliance, particularly in the realm of Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms. The virtual space has become a battleground of talent, with actors rising to prominence through their exceptional performances in web series and films. As we bid adieu to 2023, it's time to acknowledge and celebrate the top 10 actors who have been the talk of the town, captivating audiences with their unmatched acting prowess.
“When are you going to have a baby?” is the question that Tithi, portrayed by Nusrat Imrose Tisha, is met with, within the initial five minutes of “Something Like an Autobiography”. It is unfortunately safe to say that even in the year 2023, people somehow find it acceptable to ask this to most married individuals, who especially face these after they've been married for a good number of years.
The singer-turned-actor, Tisha, used to sing and started her career as a musician and even had a band of her own named “'Angels Four” with prominent musician sensations of the country, Dilshad Nahar Kona, Nafisa, and Rumana.
After learning all these praises and reactions after the release of the film, Farooki became emotional and posted on Facebook to thank everyone.
On November 30, Mostofa Sarwar Farooki is going to make his debut as an actor through his directorial project,“Something Like an Autobiography”. The film features Farooki and Nusrat Imrose Tisha in the lead roles.
The song, titled “Jochonar Phool”, is written by Chirkutt frontline Sharmin Sultana Sumi and she jointly tuned and composed it with the songwriter and Chirkutt member Pavel Areen. The latter also produced the song. Mostofa Sarwar Farooki himself released the song on Wednesday through his Facebook profile.
The film in which director Mostofa Sarwar Farooki himself appears on-screen from behind the camera (his usual job) for the first time can be said to be special. Then again, at the end of the day, how good or bad a film is, depends on the story and acting. For now, the glimpse of how he is as an actor is being perceived.
Centred on a Dhaka-based married couple– filmmaker Farhan, portrayed by Farooki himself, and actor Tithi, played by Tisha– the narrative explores their journey amidst societal pressure to start a family. As Tithi's pregnancy progresses, an unexpected incident sheds light on contemporary Bangladeshi society's realities.
It was the first day of the 22nd rendition of "Amar Bhashar Cholochitro 1430", organised by the Dhaka University Film Society (DUFS). Following tradition, the programme venue—TSC at Dhaka University premises—gracefully adorned its annual cinematic ambience with vibrant posters of Bengali classics placed across its expanse. Featuring 20 Bengali-language films from the East and the West, this year's event would run from February 12 to February 16.
In the dynamic landscape of Bengali entertainment, 2023 has proven to be a year of cinematic brilliance, particularly in the realm of Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms. The virtual space has become a battleground of talent, with actors rising to prominence through their exceptional performances in web series and films. As we bid adieu to 2023, it's time to acknowledge and celebrate the top 10 actors who have been the talk of the town, captivating audiences with their unmatched acting prowess.
“When are you going to have a baby?” is the question that Tithi, portrayed by Nusrat Imrose Tisha, is met with, within the initial five minutes of “Something Like an Autobiography”. It is unfortunately safe to say that even in the year 2023, people somehow find it acceptable to ask this to most married individuals, who especially face these after they've been married for a good number of years.
The singer-turned-actor, Tisha, used to sing and started her career as a musician and even had a band of her own named “'Angels Four” with prominent musician sensations of the country, Dilshad Nahar Kona, Nafisa, and Rumana.
After learning all these praises and reactions after the release of the film, Farooki became emotional and posted on Facebook to thank everyone.
On November 30, Mostofa Sarwar Farooki is going to make his debut as an actor through his directorial project,“Something Like an Autobiography”. The film features Farooki and Nusrat Imrose Tisha in the lead roles.
The song, titled “Jochonar Phool”, is written by Chirkutt frontline Sharmin Sultana Sumi and she jointly tuned and composed it with the songwriter and Chirkutt member Pavel Areen. The latter also produced the song. Mostofa Sarwar Farooki himself released the song on Wednesday through his Facebook profile.
The film in which director Mostofa Sarwar Farooki himself appears on-screen from behind the camera (his usual job) for the first time can be said to be special. Then again, at the end of the day, how good or bad a film is, depends on the story and acting. For now, the glimpse of how he is as an actor is being perceived.
Mostofa Sarwar Farooki has successfully concluded filming of his most recent project, "Last Defenders of Monogamy". The film features renowned actor Chanchal Chowdhury, known for his roles in "Karagar" and "Hawa", alongside musician Xefer Rahman. Additionally, the cast includes Samina Husain Prema and Shuddho Rai.