short story collection

BOOK REVIEW: FICTION / Rediscovering Reading: How ‘Fragments of Riversong’ helped me heal

Harvard killed my love for reading. When my advisor took me out for a celebratory dinner an hour after my doctoral defense in July 2012, I struggled to read the menu.

EVENT REPORT / A discussion on truth, dares, and death with Nadia Kabir Barb

It was an intimate gathering of book lovers who had come together to listen to and participate in a discussion regarding a variety of topics, starting from her writing process to concepts of death explored in her stories, all stemming from deeply personal events in her life

Interview / Unravelling Bangali feminism and female rage

Feminism and literature share a profound connection as literature gives voice to the experiences of women, allowing us to understand their perspective. However, despite the abundance of information in the technological age, the promotion of feminist books remains a challenge in Bangladesh, often facing criticism from conservatives.

February 6, 2025
February 6, 2025

Rediscovering Reading: How ‘Fragments of Riversong’ helped me heal

Harvard killed my love for reading. When my advisor took me out for a celebratory dinner an hour after my doctoral defense in July 2012, I struggled to read the menu.

February 28, 2024
February 28, 2024

A discussion on truth, dares, and death with Nadia Kabir Barb

It was an intimate gathering of book lovers who had come together to listen to and participate in a discussion regarding a variety of topics, starting from her writing process to concepts of death explored in her stories, all stemming from deeply personal events in her life

August 19, 2023
August 19, 2023

Unravelling Bangali feminism and female rage

Feminism and literature share a profound connection as literature gives voice to the experiences of women, allowing us to understand their perspective. However, despite the abundance of information in the technological age, the promotion of feminist books remains a challenge in Bangladesh, often facing criticism from conservatives.