Shamim Reza

BOOK REVIEW: POETRY / Selected poems of Shamim Reza: An overview

Review of 'Shamim Reza: Selected Poems' (ULAB Press, 2023)

Shamim Reza creates new frontiers with his new poetry collection

Over the last 30 years, he has received multiple national and international literary awards for his work. He is, currently, the vice-president of PEN International, Bangladesh chapter. 

August 20, 2024
August 20, 2024

Selected poems of Shamim Reza: An overview

Review of 'Shamim Reza: Selected Poems' (ULAB Press, 2023)

July 6, 2023
July 6, 2023

Shamim Reza creates new frontiers with his new poetry collection

Over the last 30 years, he has received multiple national and international literary awards for his work. He is, currently, the vice-president of PEN International, Bangladesh chapter. 

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