A short film named “Diary of a Genocide” was released on 14th December 2022, Martyred Intellectuals Day. This 4-minute and 26-second-long film is based on the historic incident of 14th December during the Liberation War in Bangladesh. On this day, Pakistani rulers, with the help of Razakars, Al-Badrs, and Al-Shams created a blueprint to destroy Bangladesh’s (then-East Pakistan’s) intellectual foundation and render the country metaphorically paralyzed. An unexplored horror-map, the treachery of how these intellectuals were abducted is still shrouded, this movie offers a visual picture of this little-known chapter of history.
A short film named “Diary of a Genocide” was released on 14th December 2022, Martyred Intellectuals Day. This 4-minute and 26-second-long film is based on the historic incident of 14th December during the Liberation War in Bangladesh. On this day, Pakistani rulers, with the help of Razakars, Al-Badrs, and Al-Shams created a blueprint to destroy Bangladesh’s (then-East Pakistan’s) intellectual foundation and render the country metaphorically paralyzed. An unexplored horror-map, the treachery of how these intellectuals were abducted is still shrouded, this movie offers a visual picture of this little-known chapter of history.