right wing politics

Project Syndicate / The spectre of neo-fascism is haunting Europe

If enough people despair of emancipatory politics and accept the withdrawal into buffoonery, the political space for neo-fascism widens.

End of the Bolsonaro Era: What the World Can Learn from Brazil

With a sliver of sanity realising the urgent need for damage control, Brazilians have voted out their most dangerous populist leader.

German far-right Pegida founder Bachmann in race trial

The founder of Germany's anti-Islamist Pegida movement goes to trial in Dresden on hate speech charges.

June 22, 2024
June 22, 2024

The spectre of neo-fascism is haunting Europe

If enough people despair of emancipatory politics and accept the withdrawal into buffoonery, the political space for neo-fascism widens.

November 1, 2022
November 1, 2022

End of the Bolsonaro Era: What the World Can Learn from Brazil

With a sliver of sanity realising the urgent need for damage control, Brazilians have voted out their most dangerous populist leader.

April 19, 2016
April 19, 2016

German far-right Pegida founder Bachmann in race trial

The founder of Germany's anti-Islamist Pegida movement goes to trial in Dresden on hate speech charges.

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