
Orlando victim describes playing dead as killer fired

A survivor of the Orlando attack who was shot three times has described playing dead while Omar Mateen fired relentlessly at people on the floor.

FBI looking at whether Orlando gunman led secret gay life

The murky picture of Orlando gunman Omar Mateen grew more complex Tuesday with word that the FBI is investigating whether he had been a regular at the gay dance club he attacked and had been leading a secret life as a gay man.

A brief history of attacks on US gay community

The latest gun attack at a gay club in Orlando, Florida is another example of violence against the LGBT community in the United States.

June 15, 2016
June 15, 2016

Orlando victim describes playing dead as killer fired

A survivor of the Orlando attack who was shot three times has described playing dead while Omar Mateen fired relentlessly at people on the floor.

June 15, 2016
June 15, 2016

FBI looking at whether Orlando gunman led secret gay life

The murky picture of Orlando gunman Omar Mateen grew more complex Tuesday with word that the FBI is investigating whether he had been a regular at the gay dance club he attacked and had been leading a secret life as a gay man.

June 12, 2016
June 12, 2016

A brief history of attacks on US gay community

The latest gun attack at a gay club in Orlando, Florida is another example of violence against the LGBT community in the United States.