public universities in Bangladesh

Opinion / Why do we need so many universities?

Merely converting colleges that lack high education quality into universities will not resolve issues in the education sector.

Taxing e-journal subscription is illogical

What can we possibly gain from restricting access to scientific knowledge?

President’s criticism of VCs is well-deserved

Corruption in public universities of Bangladesh must be addressed

REFLECTIONS OF AN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR / Time for higher education in Bangladesh to evolve

There is an urgent need for substantial, nationwide improvement in higher education in Bangladesh.

Cover Story / The Sorry State of Public University Halls

Public university halls in Bangladesh are in bad condition, and students suffer every day.

February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025

Why do we need so many universities?

Merely converting colleges that lack high education quality into universities will not resolve issues in the education sector.

April 30, 2023
April 30, 2023

Taxing e-journal subscription is illogical

What can we possibly gain from restricting access to scientific knowledge?

November 20, 2022
November 20, 2022

President’s criticism of VCs is well-deserved

Corruption in public universities of Bangladesh must be addressed

October 11, 2022
October 11, 2022

Time for higher education in Bangladesh to evolve

There is an urgent need for substantial, nationwide improvement in higher education in Bangladesh.

September 8, 2022
September 8, 2022

The Sorry State of Public University Halls

Public university halls in Bangladesh are in bad condition, and students suffer every day.