
Mirpur road blockade / Battery-run rickshaw drivers dispersed after clash with cops

Several people injured, a number of vehicles vandalised

Commuters suffer as battery-run rickshaw drivers block roads in Mirpur

Commuters forced to walk kilometers to reach their destinations

The unfinished struggle for a democratic, egalitarian state

We don’t worry about freeing everyone anymore; we only think of ourselves.

100 journalists protest, demand unconditional apology from Tanjin Tisha

In the human chain, journalists discussed that Tanjin Tisha’s unprofessional behaviour and threat toward a journalist are unacceptable. At the same time, the actress went to the DB office and made baseless allegations. Furthermore, they have asserted that if she fails to apologise, then journalists will abstain from covering news related to her.

A youth forced to censor their thoughts

It is a well-known fact that politicians seek to retain power once they attain it.

Mismanagement in railway: DU student Roni calls off protest for now

Dhaka University student Mohiuddin Roni today (July 25, 2022) called off his protest, against the mismanagement and corruption in the country's railway system, for the time being.

Students in “kafon” halt CU shuttle train, want another shot at admission test

Students, who want to take Chittagong University entry test for the second time, today blocked the shuttle train to the university near Sholoshahar station of the port city for half an hour.

Himmati Mai: Symbolic protest in response to widespread atrocities against women

Saturday afternoon witnessed a unique performance art at the city’s Shilpakala Academy Grounds, where 70 women across all generations and professions took to the streets for an hour to protest against the escalating abuse against women all over the world including Bangladesh.

How did the Supreme Court start housing planning for Dhaka’s poor?

On August 20, 1999, over 5,000 slum dwellers mobilised from various informal settlements in Dhaka and gathered in the Supreme Court premises to protest the “wholesale eviction” that was underway that year.

May 19, 2024
May 19, 2024

Battery-run rickshaw drivers dispersed after clash with cops

Several people injured, a number of vehicles vandalised

May 19, 2024
May 19, 2024

Commuters suffer as battery-run rickshaw drivers block roads in Mirpur

Commuters forced to walk kilometers to reach their destinations

December 16, 2023
December 16, 2023

The unfinished struggle for a democratic, egalitarian state

We don’t worry about freeing everyone anymore; we only think of ourselves.

November 21, 2023
November 21, 2023

100 journalists protest, demand unconditional apology from Tanjin Tisha

In the human chain, journalists discussed that Tanjin Tisha’s unprofessional behaviour and threat toward a journalist are unacceptable. At the same time, the actress went to the DB office and made baseless allegations. Furthermore, they have asserted that if she fails to apologise, then journalists will abstain from covering news related to her.

September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023

A youth forced to censor their thoughts

It is a well-known fact that politicians seek to retain power once they attain it.

July 25, 2022
July 25, 2022

Mismanagement in railway: DU student Roni calls off protest for now

Dhaka University student Mohiuddin Roni today (July 25, 2022) called off his protest, against the mismanagement and corruption in the country's railway system, for the time being.

June 2, 2022
June 2, 2022

Students in “kafon” halt CU shuttle train, want another shot at admission test

Students, who want to take Chittagong University entry test for the second time, today blocked the shuttle train to the university near Sholoshahar station of the port city for half an hour.

May 29, 2022
May 29, 2022

Himmati Mai: Symbolic protest in response to widespread atrocities against women

Saturday afternoon witnessed a unique performance art at the city’s Shilpakala Academy Grounds, where 70 women across all generations and professions took to the streets for an hour to protest against the escalating abuse against women all over the world including Bangladesh.

May 28, 2022
May 28, 2022

How did the Supreme Court start housing planning for Dhaka’s poor?

On August 20, 1999, over 5,000 slum dwellers mobilised from various informal settlements in Dhaka and gathered in the Supreme Court premises to protest the “wholesale eviction” that was underway that year.

May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022

Imran Khan leads rally of thousands to blockaded Islamabad

Pakistan's ousted prime minister Imran Khan on Wednesday led a convoy of thousands of supporters towards the capital Islamabad in a show of force the new government has attempted to shut down, with clashes breaking out between police and protesters.

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