Ziaul Faruq Apurba and Tarin are coming together after 7 years for Eid tele-fiction “Priyo Poribar.” Directed by Rubel Hasan and written by Mezbah Uddin Sumon, the story revolves around an elderly parent portrayed by the on-screen duo. Earlier on, Tarin and Apurba had worked together in the TV series “Sunflower.”
Ziaul Faruq Apurba and Tarin are coming together after 7 years for Eid tele-fiction “Priyo Poribar.” Directed by Rubel Hasan and written by Mezbah Uddin Sumon, the story revolves around an elderly parent portrayed by the on-screen duo. Earlier on, Tarin and Apurba had worked together in the TV series “Sunflower.”