primary examination

Primary, Ebtedayee exams begin tomorrow

Primary Education Completion Examination and its equivalent Ebtedayee Education Completion Examination will begin across the country tomorrow.

KNOT SO TRUE / Cow is a four-legged animal

Long ago, an essay on cow was the easiest challenge of a primary examination. We were always given hints on what to write in case we chose to attempt such a “common” essay.

November 16, 2019
November 16, 2019

Primary, Ebtedayee exams begin tomorrow

Primary Education Completion Examination and its equivalent Ebtedayee Education Completion Examination will begin across the country tomorrow.

January 13, 2016
January 13, 2016

Cow is a four-legged animal

Long ago, an essay on cow was the easiest challenge of a primary examination. We were always given hints on what to write in case we chose to attempt such a “common” essay.