political unrest in Bangladesh

Plot afoot to create unrest

The government believes that the chaos and vandalism in different parts of the capital that happened in the last two days may be part of a bigger plan.

Opinion / Are we trying to get ‘everything, everywhere, all at once’?

The euphoria of August 5, and the momentous days leading up to it, especially since July 15, are now being overshadowed by a cloud of uncertainty.

November 26, 2024
November 26, 2024

Plot afoot to create unrest

The government believes that the chaos and vandalism in different parts of the capital that happened in the last two days may be part of a bigger plan.

October 25, 2024
October 25, 2024

Are we trying to get ‘everything, everywhere, all at once’?

The euphoria of August 5, and the momentous days leading up to it, especially since July 15, are now being overshadowed by a cloud of uncertainty.