physical assaults

Modern day slavery

Last week’s Shutterstories “Shumi” has stuck with me. What a miserable life she has! 24 hours a day, seven days a week, she goes on working with no holidays or free time of her own.

May Day Today / Troubles of Bangladesh's transport workers

The usual eight-hour working time a day is not applicable for him. He has to work almost double the time.

April 26, 2019
April 26, 2019

Modern day slavery

Last week’s Shutterstories “Shumi” has stuck with me. What a miserable life she has! 24 hours a day, seven days a week, she goes on working with no holidays or free time of her own.

May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016

Troubles of Bangladesh's transport workers

The usual eight-hour working time a day is not applicable for him. He has to work almost double the time.