
Humans are just starting to understand the octopus — and it's mind-blowing

Every year on June 8, people around the world celebrate this day, and to join in on the fun here are some mind-blowing facts about octopuses.

Never-before-seen life spotted by Hawaiian deep-sea expedition

After about eight dives into the deep water of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument of north-west Hawaii, some thousands of samples and images of never-before-seen life and landforms have been collected.

June 9, 2016
June 9, 2016

Humans are just starting to understand the octopus — and it's mind-blowing

Every year on June 8, people around the world celebrate this day, and to join in on the fun here are some mind-blowing facts about octopuses.

March 23, 2016
March 23, 2016

Never-before-seen life spotted by Hawaiian deep-sea expedition

After about eight dives into the deep water of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument of north-west Hawaii, some thousands of samples and images of never-before-seen life and landforms have been collected.