Renowned actor Mosharraf Karim has made his playback debut in Fazlul Kabir Tuhin’s film “Bildakini”. The song, titled “Bhalo Bhalo Lage Na”, has been penned and composed by Mosharraf himself. In addition to lending his voice, the actor has also performed the song on-screen in the film. The track was recently released under the G-Series banner.
Bangladesh Television (BTV) has arranged for a line-up of special programs for Eid, similar to other satellite channels in the country. In celebration of the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha, BTV will hence present three exclusive drama serials and a four-episode series.
Renowned actor Mosharraf Karim has made his playback debut in Fazlul Kabir Tuhin’s film “Bildakini”. The song, titled “Bhalo Bhalo Lage Na”, has been penned and composed by Mosharraf himself. In addition to lending his voice, the actor has also performed the song on-screen in the film. The track was recently released under the G-Series banner.
Bangladesh Television (BTV) has arranged for a line-up of special programs for Eid, similar to other satellite channels in the country. In celebration of the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha, BTV will hence present three exclusive drama serials and a four-episode series.