The final song, penned by Rajib Ashraf for the upcoming film "Mukto Karagar," performed by Ahmed Hasan Sunny was released today. The film, directed by Rahima Afroz Munni, features a compelling narrative and captivating performances by Rahima Afroz Munni, Nafis Ahmed, Jayita Mahalanobish, and Tuhin Rahman.
The film, titled “Mukto Karagar”, will be directed by Rahima Afrooz Munni. The film’s directorial panel is utilising one of Rajib’s unpublished songs, “Agachhar Phool”, for their film.
The final song, penned by Rajib Ashraf for the upcoming film "Mukto Karagar," performed by Ahmed Hasan Sunny was released today. The film, directed by Rahima Afroz Munni, features a compelling narrative and captivating performances by Rahima Afroz Munni, Nafis Ahmed, Jayita Mahalanobish, and Tuhin Rahman.
The film, titled “Mukto Karagar”, will be directed by Rahima Afrooz Munni. The film’s directorial panel is utilising one of Rajib’s unpublished songs, “Agachhar Phool”, for their film.