Based on the novel "Bildakini" by renowned author Nuruddin Jahangir, the film was directed by Fazlul Tuhin. It tells a powerful story of female strength and the liberation of motherhood. The film stars Mosharraf Karim and West Bengal actress Parno Mittra in the lead roles. This is Parno Mittra's second film in Bangladesh, following her appearance in Mostofa Sarwar Farooki's "Doob".
As the year draws to a close, Mosharraf is gracing three different platforms with new content, reaffirming his stature as one of the industry's most sought-after actors.
Celebrated actor Mosharraf Karim has recently taken on an exciting project—an anthology series, “Adhunik Bangla Hotel”, directed by Kazi Asad. This new venture, created for the streaming platform Chorki, comes with a twist: The titles of the episodes do not give away the surprising depth of the stories.
Based on the novel "Bildakini" by renowned author Nuruddin Jahangir, the film was directed by Fazlul Tuhin. It tells a powerful story of female strength and the liberation of motherhood. The film stars Mosharraf Karim and West Bengal actress Parno Mittra in the lead roles. This is Parno Mittra's second film in Bangladesh, following her appearance in Mostofa Sarwar Farooki's "Doob".
As the year draws to a close, Mosharraf is gracing three different platforms with new content, reaffirming his stature as one of the industry's most sought-after actors.
Celebrated actor Mosharraf Karim has recently taken on an exciting project—an anthology series, “Adhunik Bangla Hotel”, directed by Kazi Asad. This new venture, created for the streaming platform Chorki, comes with a twist: The titles of the episodes do not give away the surprising depth of the stories.