The popular television magazine show “Ityadi” has taken its latest episode to the scenic Mongla Seaport in Bagerhat, marking yet another special location for its ever-intriguing productions. As with past episodes, this one promises to blend cultural and historical storytelling with entertainment, airing on BTV and BTV World right after the 8:00pm news tonight.
Government must revise Pashur excavation project
The cabinet yesterday approved a draft agreement to allow India to use Chittagong and Mongla ports to transport cargo to its northeastern states.
Bangladesh offers transit facility to Nepal through its Chittagong and Mongla seaports for importing petroleum products from third countries to address its acute fuel crisis triggered due to the blockade at the Nepal-India border.
The popular television magazine show “Ityadi” has taken its latest episode to the scenic Mongla Seaport in Bagerhat, marking yet another special location for its ever-intriguing productions. As with past episodes, this one promises to blend cultural and historical storytelling with entertainment, airing on BTV and BTV World right after the 8:00pm news tonight.
Government must revise Pashur excavation project
The cabinet yesterday approved a draft agreement to allow India to use Chittagong and Mongla ports to transport cargo to its northeastern states.
Bangladesh offers transit facility to Nepal through its Chittagong and Mongla seaports for importing petroleum products from third countries to address its acute fuel crisis triggered due to the blockade at the Nepal-India border.