Mistakes to avoid

Mistakes to avoid during Hajj

Hajj is a powerful manifestation of gratitude, unity, and submission to the divine. This journey holds immense significance in the hearts of Muslims as they strive to fulfil one of the five pillars of Islam. If you are about to set off for hajj, you have surely prepared yourself for all the major parts of it.

Common travel mistakes while making hotel bookings

Making hotel reservations have become easier and yet, people still tend to make mistakes. To avoid this, we spoke to a popular hotel chain employee, who shared her experience about common travel slip-ups they have seen people make again and again, and how avoiding these can expedite standard procedures for them and make it easier for hotels to serve them.

June 11, 2023
June 11, 2023

Mistakes to avoid during Hajj

Hajj is a powerful manifestation of gratitude, unity, and submission to the divine. This journey holds immense significance in the hearts of Muslims as they strive to fulfil one of the five pillars of Islam. If you are about to set off for hajj, you have surely prepared yourself for all the major parts of it.

April 20, 2023
April 20, 2023

Common travel mistakes while making hotel bookings

Making hotel reservations have become easier and yet, people still tend to make mistakes. To avoid this, we spoke to a popular hotel chain employee, who shared her experience about common travel slip-ups they have seen people make again and again, and how avoiding these can expedite standard procedures for them and make it easier for hotels to serve them.

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