
CREATIVE NONFICTION / Not waiting for answers

How long does a corpse of a hero take to rot? 50 years or more? What about the corpses of martyrs? One week? 10 days? The 40-day mark to blow the candles of funeral fires?

Remembering shaheed Rumi

His name was Shafi Imam Rumi. Born on 29 March, 1951 Rumi was barely 20 years of age in 1971. This larger-than-life character is one of many who embraced martyrdom in their attempt to gift our precious freedom. Rumi had secured third position in the matriculation exam under the national education board in 1968. In 1971, he just got admitted to BUET (Engineering College at that time) and was already enrolled into IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology). Just one flight and he could have been away from the war, but Shafi Imam Rumi chose not to.

Stories of the liberation war, and how we must never forget to pass it on

Fifty years have now passed since that glorious day in December 1971 when we achieved victory after a battle for nine months.

Ex-JP MP, 11 others sued for war crimes

Son of a martyr yesterday filed a case against 12 people including a former Jatiya Party lawmaker for their alleged involvement in crimes against humanity committed during the Liberation War.

August 17, 2024
August 17, 2024

Not waiting for answers

How long does a corpse of a hero take to rot? 50 years or more? What about the corpses of martyrs? One week? 10 days? The 40-day mark to blow the candles of funeral fires?

March 29, 2023
March 29, 2023

Remembering shaheed Rumi

His name was Shafi Imam Rumi. Born on 29 March, 1951 Rumi was barely 20 years of age in 1971. This larger-than-life character is one of many who embraced martyrdom in their attempt to gift our precious freedom. Rumi had secured third position in the matriculation exam under the national education board in 1968. In 1971, he just got admitted to BUET (Engineering College at that time) and was already enrolled into IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology). Just one flight and he could have been away from the war, but Shafi Imam Rumi chose not to.

December 16, 2021
December 16, 2021

Stories of the liberation war, and how we must never forget to pass it on

Fifty years have now passed since that glorious day in December 1971 when we achieved victory after a battle for nine months.

December 29, 2015
December 29, 2015

Ex-JP MP, 11 others sued for war crimes

Son of a martyr yesterday filed a case against 12 people including a former Jatiya Party lawmaker for their alleged involvement in crimes against humanity committed during the Liberation War.

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